Saturday, August 11, 2007

Kids’ Picnic Tables Solve Seating Squabbles

Whether it’s a graduation party, a birthday, an anniversary, a holiday, or a reunion, you’ll attend at least one family gathering every year. Sometimes you look forward to them; sometimes you dread them. There will be people you’re eager to see, as well as those whom you’ve gone out of your way to avoid. Once these occasions are over, they all seem to melt into a blur of relatives, food, drink, kids, picnic tables, fireworks, music, and games, with mostly just the good times remaining in your memory. When they’re lying ahead, however, you usually approach them with a bit of trepidation.

You’re not alone. Everybody experiences some sort of apprehension at the thought of a family get-together. Sometimes, it’s because of the uncle who always goes o View the rest of this article

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