Tuesday, August 14, 2007

EXCEPTIONAL CARP BAITS AND RIGS -- Milk Protein Bait and Rig Methods

* Using milk proteins as pastes instead of boilies, is the most efficient method of delivering these type of baits' “carp come and eat me” signals!
There is no damaging heating of the proteins in the boiling process and no coagulated protein barrier on the surface of dough or paste baits to affect and slow down attractors, smells and carp feeding triggering amino acids leaking-off.
This affects all coagulated egg skinned ‘boilies!’ There are many ways to avoid or reduce this effect. (Like using a binder other than ‘conventional’ eggs.) Or like ‘skinning’ the baits for e.g. a maximum of 10 seconds.
Or by combining the use of ‘skinned’ ‘boilie’ baits and air-dried dough paste baits as free baits on the hook, or in poly vinyl a View the rest of this article

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