Sunday, August 12, 2007

Easy and Fast Credit Card Fraud Solution

With the new era of online business upon us, it is imperative that anyone using
their own merchant account be aware of the dangers of credit card fraud.
It's out there, and it's rampant. I know from personal experience.
Do not ever take it for granted that each order is valid, do your due diligence,
or pay for it in heavy fees incurred by chargebacks from your merchant account
or third party payment processor such as SafePaySolutions, PayPal, etc.
If you're an online merchant, here are some things you should check, if your orders are sent to you:
1. Go to and make sure that the phone number matches the person's name and address.
2. Call 411 if you have to find out, if doesn't give you the info. Believe me the
411 View the rest of this article

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