Saturday, October 27, 2007

Is Hair Sugaring An Effective Way To Remove Body Hair?

Hair sugaring is a process that can be used quite beneficially for hair removal. If you are someone that has used waxing in the past, consider sugaring. In the process, the wax is replaced with a sugar and honey mixture. It is sticky and works very much like that of waxing. And, it can produce the same results. But, it is organic in nature and it has the ability to give you an easier clean up too. Sugaring is a process of extracting hair from the follicle.

Although hair sugaring is a messy process the results of doing it can last upwards of two to six weeks. You can use it throughout the body since it is a natural product and see results. Many individuals find it most beneficial to the bikini line as well as to the upper lip. When the ha View the rest of this article

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is it? Is hair sugaring effective in removing body hair? Well, base on your post, it is. Nice.
Hope this will consider as Permanent Hair Removal. Removing unwanted hair permanently is the one of the most important thing we want.