Saturday, September 8, 2007

A Very Different Perspective Will Become Obvious Out Of Self Realization by Elysha

You have an ease of capacity of learning to be who "you" are like no other time in our human history.

"Love come to town" has brought with it an evolution for the whole of humanity - it will radically change the way that humans treat, deal and interact with each other. When you begin to realize that you are not who you thought you were and that you are actually something else entirely to what you thought you were, then there will be a very different perspective that will become obvious out of such a realization.

This perspective will have you seeing just what it is that "you" are - not conceptually, but actually - energetically. The energetic realizing of this "you" of you will have you being this "you" of you. The more you begin to realize just who View the rest of this article

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