Sunday, September 23, 2007

Indie Music: Your big break may be just around the corner - find out how to get your music heard by Record Labels!

Toronto, ON October 3, 2006 – You are ready - you have the band, you have the songs, you have the passion and you have the talent. Music has been a part of your life for so long that you can’t remember a time when it wasn’t a part of your being and now it has become your life’s work. You long to share your talent, stories and songs with others but are finding it a challenge to reach the industry professionals who can help to make your dream a reality.

Few things in life can be as frustrating as being unable to find the necessary tools and resources to help make your dreams a reality. You may have been fortunate to meet some record label representatives at a recent gig but have you been able to turn that into the career you would like to map out View the rest of this article

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