Sunday, September 16, 2007

19 Reasons Why Every Business Needs a Web Site!

19 Reasons Why Every Business Needs a Web Site! 1. It is the most cost-effective way to advertise. 2. Your customers expect it. 3. You will sell more products and services. 4. You will be able to provide information to your customers more cost effectively. 5. You can receive feedback via your Web site. 6. It is much easier to stay in contact with distributors and sales reps. 7. You can provide better customer service. 8. It's the best way to stay competitive -- considering that most of your rivals already own their own Web sites or are looking into getting one. 9. Your business will grow immediately. Any small, local business has the ability to be an instant international sensation with franchise penetration in every city -- simply by getting an on-line presence. 10. View the rest of this article

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