Saturday, September 1, 2007

My Web Site is Up....But Where is the Traffic?

So you have sweated through the past several months, wrung your creative juices dry and finally there it is - your first web site uploaded into cyberspace - for all to rhapsodize over. But the days turn to weeks and you realise with a sinking feeling that far from being showered with accolades, no one knows about your site, except of course for family and friends and what is more important, it looks like no one ever will. So what do you do? You have two options - you can give up or you can go on, because if you use this first website that you have created as a spring board to mastering the ins and outs of succeeding online, there need be no limit to what you can do with your new found knowledge.
The first mistake that any newcomer to website creation makes is thin View the rest of this article

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