Tuesday, July 24, 2007

The Truth about “Cleansing” Diets and Liver Health

Every day, our bodies are exposed to toxic chemicals. Not only are their pollutants in the air around us, there are also toxins in the food we eat and many produced by our own bodies. Many of these toxins are flushed out, but some stick around in the colon, liver, and fat stores of our system. A fast, detox, cleansing diet is designed to remove these toxins. The requirements of a detox diet can vary. They can last from a week to 10 days. Some require you to stop eating and only drink water. Others allow you calories, but only from certain fruit or vegetable juices, or other liquids that encourage the flushing of toxins. More moderate diets allow you to eat a vegetarian diet and juice, while some of the more drastic diets encourage laxatives and enemas for colon and l View the rest of this article

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