Friday, July 13, 2007

SMB’s Vote for Hosted Telephony

Predictive Dialing, Hosted Call Centers, and VOIP communications are hot buttons to SMB’s According to a new study by Access Market International (AMI), the small and medium size business (SMB) crowd wants hosted call center solutions delivered up as easily as possible without their organizations having to be hands on with technology. The mantra of this business segment is “Leave me alone, deploy the technology, save me money, provide efficiencies, and YOU make it happen” The study was a surprise to analysts in showing that the market size for SMB’s adopting the hosted call center model will reach an estimated $416 million dollars this year. The growth in this industry segment is amazing because not that long ago in 2005 it was reported that this industry niche had generated $165 million in sales annually. There just aren’t that many industries which such stunning growth as reflected by the study. It is anticipated that with the current trend line that this industry segment will post a cumulative growth rate of 56.9% between 2005 and 2010. Even more surprising is that the growth in this segment is particularly robust in organizations with less than one hundred employees. This market segment per the study will grow during this same period at a rate of 69%, a remarkable statistic. Steven Gross, President of Hosted call center Freedom TeleWork is not surprised. “We have been saying for years that this is the sweet spot for SMB’s. This industry segment is particularly sensitive to creating efficiencies within their organizations to survive against bigger players in the market. So whenever there is an opportunity to cut costs, increase efficiencies, provide better customer service and increase sales, SMB’s by their nature must run in this direction.” The hosted call center model abounds with deals for the SMB’s. Inbound phone numbers for as little as $5 a month, calls for pennies per minute, deep discount international rates, the ability to avoid traditional brick and mortar call center costs of $1.85 a minute. And, the technology brings amazing productivity enhancements to SMB’s. Predictive dialing alone can increase efficiency in calling consumers by up to 300%.; The good news for hosted call center providers keeps on getting better. The study shows that investment by SMB’s in hosted solutions will continue to increase every year and by 2010 hit a whopping $1.56 billion dollars. At the same time, the number of seats which will deployed in this sector will grow from 394,000 last year to 3,000,000 by 2010, a stunning growth rate. Another key reason SMB’s want the hosted model is that few of them have the technical resources or the inclination to learn all the ins and outs of telephony. “With a hosted solution, your hand is held and everything is made easy in the deployment and on a company’s pocketbook.” said Gross.

By Jennifer Gross    

Freedom TeleWork

Jennifer Hannah Gross is Vice President for Marketing and works at Freedom Telework Inc., a virtual call center company that offers hosted call center solutions and services such as progressive dialing, inbound call center, chat, predictive dialing, and many more.

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