Sunday, July 29, 2007

Properties and Characteristics of Silk

Cultivated silk from the Bombyx mori silkworm, which is and has always been the most common type of silk used, has a number of interesting and desirable properties that have been admired for over 5,000 years. First of all, silk takes well to dyes, both natural and synthetic, which results in colorful fabrics. Another property of silk is its soft feel, and it retains it shape well, even after having been stretched. In appearance silk has a sheen and luminosity that makes it look luxurious. Since silk production is labor intensive and costly it has often been used by royalty and people of wealth for centuries, and it has in fact sometimes become a symbol for wealth and achievement. In England, for example, when an attorney reaches a certain status and earns the honor o View the rest of this article

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