Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Housebreaking an Older Dog

Housebreaking an older dog is not an impossible task. Although it is generally easier to housebreak a puppy, any dog can be housebroken given the proper techniques. First, before you begin, you must know how a dog thinks. I would say that a dog thinks 80% of the time with its nose, and the rest of the time with its other senses. If you look at animals in the wild, you'll notice that most mammals like Wolves, Lions, Tigers, and Wild Dogs scent mark their territories. This is not only a sign of demarcation, but a place where these animals return to mark over and over again, in order warn other animals or their rivals that this is their territory.

It is precisely this habit that the distant cousins of wolves, our dogs, exercise on a daily basis. Tha View the rest of this article

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