Friday, November 16, 2007

Ringworm: Fungus Or Real Worm Under My Skin

If you are looking at a patch of skin that is kind of reddish and has rounded edges but normally is not in that area, YOU MIGHT HAVE RINGWORM! Not a real worm but a skin infection caused by fungus?
Most people don?t get a mirror to look in the mirror to see the area back of their neck. My adult daughter teaches grade school and we were at a basketball game. Her long hair was in a ponytail and draped in front of her. The reddish patch of skin about the size of a golf ball was obviously not there as she grew up so I asked if it itched. ?What? What are you talking about?? ?No its not ringworm! That?s gross!?
Most people have never heard of a yeast overgrowth in the body, or tinea, or dermatophytes. But they have heard of jock itch, athletes foot and women?s yeas View the rest of this article

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