Saturday, December 1, 2007

Teach Kids A Second Language

It is not easy teaching your child a second language. But it is a rewarding experience teaching them and you can open their young to explore a new world of sights and sounds. Even if you?re not entirely fluent in another tongue, here are 5 simple ways you can help your child learn to speak a second language confidently and easily.
1. Remember the earlier, the better. By the age of two, a child?s brain is sucking up and processing all the information he or she comes in contact with, so it?s an ideal time to start learning a second language. You may think, ?But he hasn?t even mastered ENGLISH yet!? That?s okay! Believe it or not, children can easily juggle two (or more) languages at once without the difficulty that their adult counterparts may have if they try to l View the rest of this article

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