Sunday, December 2, 2007

Causes and Cures of Gynecomastia - The Most Sought After Male Procedure

Nobody likes body flaws. Body distortions detract us from a positive feeling. Youthful appearance and fit looks give definite benefit in society and business. Men are lately becoming increasingly aware of this and turning to cosmetic procedures, popularly known as male plastic surgery.
In addition to riches and intellects, handsome figure is the most important character of alpha male. In showbiz and management, sound body and sharp brain create a coming presence. The most popular cosmetic surgery procedures for men are pectoral augmentation and male breast reduction.
Pectoral augmentation is usually demanded by men who do not have that massive chest and can’t seem to increase the pec muscles by exercise. Pectoral implants or pec implants are also sought by bo View the rest of this article

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